- Computational Social Science at Carleton College with Alexa, Tom, and David
Alexa Sharp and Tom Wexler are looking for a total of up to 2 or 3 students interested in a seven-week program on Computational Social Sciences at Carleton during Summer 2010 (June 21st through August 6th). The program will focus on the application of (both theory- and implementation-based) computer science to social networks and game theory, and it will be co-advised by Alexa, Tom, and David Liben-Nowell (Carleton College). The program will primarily involve students of Carleton and Oberlin, and we hope to include one or two students from other similar liberal arts schools in the program if circumstances permit.
Students will work in groups of three or four on computational problems related to social networks and algorithmic game theory, working closely with all three faculty members. Groups will have different focuses: some will be more implementation based (working with real large-scale social network data to better understand patterns of friendship), some will be more theoretical (for example, working to understand what the strategic implications of network structure are for certain types of network games). You should expect to read recently published papers, develop and attempt to prove conjectures about various problems or algorithms, write programs to generate and test hypotheses, and read about new techniques in computer science to tackle these questions.
Students should have taken at least CS 150 and CS 151. For more theoretical groups, you’ll want CS 280. More CS is better, as is more math, and knowledge of Game Theory and Discrete Mathematics and helpful, but these are not requirements.
These are paid research positions, and travel and housing expenses will be subsidized. For details on how to apply, or further questions, please contact Alexa (alexa.sharp@oberlin.edu) or Tom (tom.wexler@oberlin.edu).
- The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis is running a Research Experiences for Undergraduates program over the summer of 2010. Participants will be paid a stipend for the 10 weeks of the program, and we will provide assistance in finding on-campus housing for the duration of their stay in St. Louis. Deadline February 21. Program Dates: May 31-august 12, 2010
Check out more details of the Summer 2010 program, see the sorts of projects you could be working on, and send in an application.If you have any questions about the program that aren’t answered on these web pages, send us an email at reu@cse.wustl.edu, and we can answer them for you.
- Depauw University – REU summer Research. Stipend of $4,500
Information and application packet due March 15th. Program runs from May 26-July 30,2010
- Computing Research for Undergraduates
Socially Relevant Computing Summer 2010 at UNC Charlotte
June 1-July 30, 2010 Application deadline: March 15, 2010