This past weekend, 2 teams of Oberlin students competed in the 23rd annual Denison University Programming Contest. They won 3rd and 7th place out of 18 teams from Denison, Baldwin-Walace, Oberlin, Muskingum, Ohio Wesleyan, U of Toledo/LCCC, Wittenberg, and U of Akron. Teams of students competed to be the fastest (and most accurate) at solving 6 problems during the 4-hour contest.
Intro to Unix
February 21st, 2012
Honors Proposals for 2012-2013
February 15th, 2012
Junior CSCI majors are invited to apply for 2012-13 Honors. The deadline for project proposals is Monday, April 9.
Contact your advisor for more information and to see if you meet the requirements.
Welcome Back to Campus CSCI Majors Pizza Party
February 2nd, 2012
A Welcome Back Pizza Party is planned for Wed, Feb. 8 at 4:30 in the CSCI Office King 223.
All Computer Science Majors are Welcome! Let’s start the Spring semester off right!