On Oct 5, 2013, 3 teams of Oberlin students competed at the 5th annual Muskingum University programming contest. Team “Albino Squirrels” (Jenny Ward ’14 and Nathan Klein ’16) took third place out of 15 teams from 6 institutions. Team “Uberlin” (Eli Stein ’14, Amanda Strominger ’15, Scott Hulver ’16) and “O(bees)” (Peter Fogg ’14, Oren Shoham ’14, Devon Wells ’14) also put in a strong showing.
iSeeYou: Disabling the MacBook Webcam Indicator LED- RSVP required
September 30th, 2013
Monday Oct 7 Noon King 239
Disabling the MacBook Webcam Indicator LED
Disabling the MacBook Webcam Indicator LED Modern computers contain a surprising number of processors distinct from the CPUs, each dedicated to a specific task. These processors along with their perhipherals form embedded systems inside standard desktop and laptop systems which are frequently overlooked when evaluating the security of computer systems. In this talk, I’ll describe a security analysis of one such embeddedsystem: the Apple iSight webcam. The iSight contains, as a privacy feature, an indicator LED which provides a visual cue that the camera is turned on. I’ll describe how the hardware that controls the LED can be bypassed, enabling video to be captured without any indication to the user. I’ll also show how the iSight can be leveraged by malware to break out of a Virtual Machine sandbox.
Stephen Checkoway, is an Assistant Research Professor in the Johns
Hopkins University Department of Computer Science and a member of the
Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute where he
teaches courses on computer security and software vulnerabilities. His
work includes security analyses of automotive emedded systems and
computer voting systems as well as offensive and defensive computer
security research. Checkoway earned bachelor’s degrees in mathematics
and computer sciences from the University of Washington in 2005 and a
Ph.D. in computer science in 2012 from the University of California,
San Diego.
RSVP in the CSCI office King 223 for Pizza lunch
Career Services Richard Berman Talks with CSCI Majors
September 24th, 2013
Monday NOVEMBER 4 Noon-1:00 p.m. King 325
RSVP Required. Sign up in the CSCI office King 223 for Pizza lunch.
- Strategies for finding WT internships, summer jobs, and permanent jobs
- What industries employe computer scientists
- CS-related jobs that aren’t just software engineering
- reaching out to CS alumni
- deciding grad school vs. industry
- How faculty/staff @Oberlin can assist you
Class of 2013
May 25th, 2013
Welcome Back CS Students!
February 4th, 2013
This Wednesday (Feb 6) the computer science department will be having a pizza social to welcome back all of our wonderful students!
It will be at 4:30pm in King 225 (new CS seminar room).
Be sure to sign up in the CSCI office or email Jackie to be put on the list by Tuesday at 3:30 so that we can be sure to have enough.
Best wishes for a great Spring 2013 semester!!!
Pizza Lunch Mon. Nov 19 Noon
November 15th, 2012
Richard Berman, Career Services will discuss preparing for Job Searches & Internships.
Monday Nov 19 Noon-1pm In King 227
Sign up for Pizza in the CSCI office King 223
Programming Skills Workshop
October 29th, 2012
CSMC presents… Programming Skills Workshop!
Thinking about applying for jobs or taking the CS GRE for grad school? Worried that your data structures and algorithms knowledge is a bit rusty? Never fear, the CSMC is here for you!
We will be hosting a set of programming skills workshops this semester. During these workshops we will tackle a variety of problems, write our solutions on paper, and then discuss the solutions. As a group, we’ll learn what challenges we face, what approaches to take, and what solutions work the best. Most importantly, however, we will become the best programmers we can be.
First meeting will be Saturday, November 3 from 4-6pm in the CS conference room. Bring pencil and paper as we will be working out most of these problems by hand.
UPDATE: CSMC will be holding these workshops on a regular basis. See https://www.cs.oberlin.edu/~csmc/ for details.
Vim/Emacs Night
October 10th, 2012
Vim and Emacs tutorial night — this Thursday, October 11 at 9pm in the downstairs lab (King 137)
Have you ever been programming in one of the CS labs and happen to see that the person next to you is coding in some kind of mysterious black window with wonderful, brightly coloured text everywhere? Do you admire how quickly and effortlessly they seem to be editing their files? Well, that mysterious and beautiful program is probably either Vim or Emacs! And you too could be dazzled with pretty colours and divided windows. You too could experience the joy of macros, meta keys and modes.
You’ll learn the basics of either Vim or Emacs — your choice. We’ll walk you through a tutorial, give tips and pointers, and give you some exercises to complete at the end of the night.
Presented by the CSMC – now with cookies!
2012 Denison Programming Contest
February 27th, 2012
This past weekend, 2 teams of Oberlin students competed in the 23rd annual Denison University Programming Contest. They won 3rd and 7th place out of 18 teams from Denison, Baldwin-Walace, Oberlin, Muskingum, Ohio Wesleyan, U of Toledo/LCCC, Wittenberg, and U of Akron. Teams of students competed to be the fastest (and most accurate) at solving 6 problems during the 4-hour contest.
Intro to Unix
February 21st, 2012