Application Deadline: January 31, 2009
DIMACS, DyDAn, and the Rutgers University Mathematics Department invite applications for a NSF/DHS Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. DIMACS was founded as one of 24 Science and Technology Centers funded by the NSF. It is located at Rutgers University, and is a joint project of Rutgers, Princeton, AT&T Laboratories, Bell Laboratories, Telcordia Technologies, and the NEC Research Institute. DIMACS has over 250 permanent members in mathematics, computer science, and operations research, and hosts many distinguished visitors each year.
US Program: June 1-July 24 optional trip: Prague Trip: July 20-august 5
Deadline for applications are due January 31, 2009
DIMACS, with National Science Foundation sponsorship, has offered an REU program since 1992. There are four associated REU programs:
- The DIMACS REU program offers projects mentored by DIMACS members.
- The DIMACS/DIMATIA REU program offers projects mentored by DIMACS members, the program is extended by two weeks, and the last two and a half weeks of the program are spent at our sister site DIMATIA at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Students selected to participate in this program generally exhibit strong interests in combinatorics.
- The Rutgers Math Department program offers projects mentored by members of the Rutgers Mathematics Department.
- The DyDAn REU program offers projects related to homeland security mentored by DyDAn researchers.