
Welcome to CSCI 150 Lab

Welcome to the lab website for CSCI 150! This course is an introduction to problem solving and algorithmic thinking through computer science. The lab assignments on this website are your opportunity to practice the fundamentals of computer programming, including data types, data structures, control structures, recursion, and object-oriented programming.

Python will be the language of choice for CSCI 150, and all of your programming will be written using codespaces. Why Python and why codespaces? Python is a great open-source language that is both easy to read and extremely powerful. All of the concepts that will be covered in Python can be easily extended to new languages in the future. We will write our Python programs in codespaces—an integrated development environment (IDE) that exists entirely online. Codespaces will allow us to start coding immediately. There is no need to install Python or deal with the headaches associated with different operating systems.

Lab Helper Hours for Fall 2024

2-4 PMTharcisse & Daniel (King 201)*
Cal, Otto & Arev (King 135/7)
Saida & Natalie (King 201)**
Aisha, Oliver & Megan (King 135/7)
4-6 PMWillow & Cal (King 201)***
Nam, Ezra and Ben R (King 135/7)
Ben T & Ezra (King 201)****
Nam, Willow & Talia (King 135/7)
7-9 PMNam & Cal (King 201)
Eliza & Rohit (King 135/7)
Ben T & Ben R (King 201)****
Otto & Rachel (King 135/7)
Tharcisse & Oliver (King 135/7)
9-11 PMAustin & Rory (King 201)***
Eliza & Marta (King 135/7)
Nam & Tharcisse (King 201)*
Rory & Marta (King 135/7)
Ha & Abby (King 201)**
Otto & Rory (King 135/7)

In addition to your section’s set lab sessions, there are additional times where lab helpers are available in the labs to assist you with any help you might need. The schedule for these additional lab helper times are given in the table above.

Please note that there are special community hours, indicated in the schedule above:

* represents the Students of Color community hours which is intended for students of color in CS

** represents the Femmes in STEM community hours which is intended for female identifying students in CS

*** represents the Queer Students community hours which is intended for students who identify as a part of the queer community.

**** represents CS241 accessible help hours, which are intended for 241 students, but are open to all 150/151/241 students.

Please also note that there are no lab helper hours on Tuesdays or Fridays.

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Provide feedback on Lab Helping

Please fill out this google form if you have any feedback on the lab helpers. Lab Feedback Form


Many people contributed to the material in these labs. We extend our deepest thanks to all faculty and student contributors. If you would like to help improve these labs for future CSCI 150 classes, please reach out to your instructor.

Stephen Checkoway, Adam Eck, Molly Q Feldman, Blair Rossetti, Alexa Sharp, Sam Taggart, Cynthia Taylor, Emily Wang, Tom Wexler, Lucas Draper

Veronica Ayars, Hannah Babe, Tara Bobinac, Meg Davis, Eliza Bomfim Guimaraes Giane, William Knowles-Kellett, Pascale Leone, Mist Newman, Marilyn Recarte, Shiying Zheng