Warmup Part 2

Part D: Stopping and Restarting Codespaces

You only have to accept the assignment and create a codespace once. Once your repository exists, you can close it and return back to it at any time. GitHub Codespaces automatically saves your work as long as you have an internet connection, and commits are permanently stored on the repository.

Each user is allowed up to 30 hours of Codespace use per week, so please don’t leave it running when you’re not working on the assignment. Don’t worry about counting the hours – Your Codespace will also stop itself after 30 minutes of inactivity (e.g., leaving the tab running in the background) in case you forget to stop it manually.

Let’s practice managing Codespaces at least once during the lab period so you have the opportunity to ask questions about navigating to your repository and Codespace before you do it after class or on a different computer. Click the “Codespaces” button on the bottom left of the interface and select the “Stop Current Codespace” option in the menu that appears.

As previously mentioned, to return to your assignment at a later time, you can go to your semester’s CSCI 150 organization page to see a list of all of the repositories for each assignment throughout the semester. You can bookmark this page in your browser, and your instructor will include a shortcut to this page on the Blackboard sidebar.

Navigate to the <> Code drop-down menu as previously shown, then click the name of the Codespace. (As you’ll notice, Github gives every Codespace a fun and peculiar two-word name when it’s created. The name it picked this time was “fluffy yodel.”)