Filter of Your Choice

Filter of Your Choice: 4 points

Next, you will choose your own filter to implement! You can choose from one of the following, or make up your own. As previously discussed, for each filter, keep the original image for reference, copy it, and then apply the filter to the copy.


When you blur an image, you set the color of each pixel to be the average of the 9 pixels in the 3 x 3 square centered at that pixel (i.e., the average of the original pixel and its original 8 neighbors). Be careful at the edges of the image: not all pixels have 8 neighbors!

Blur Filter


Don’t forget to commit and push your changes!


A typical pixel can have one of 256 values for each color channel. In a posterized image, this number is drastically reduced. Each color channel value should be decreased to the largest multiple of 64 that is less than or equal to the original value. For example, if the original value is 200, it should be set to 192; if it is 63, it should be set to 0; etc.

Posterize Filter


Don’t forget to commit and push your changes!


When increasing the contrast, color values at 128 should be unchanged. For any other value val, the difference between val and 128 should be scaled a factor of two. For example, a color value of 129 (1 above 128) would become 130 (2 above 128). 125 (3 below 128) would become 122 (6 below 128). Just remember that you’ll need to stay between 0 and 255.

Contrast Filter

Add your filter of choice to the menu and test it out!


Don’t forget to commit and push your changes!