
elephant.py: 8 points
opposite_elephant.py: 4 points


constructordef __init__(self, steps)
fighting behaviorif opponent displays as a Tiger (with the character T), then constants.ROAR; otherwise constants.POUNCE
movement behaviorfirst go SOUTH steps times, then go WEST steps times, then go NORTH steps times, then go EAST steps times (a clockwise square pattern), then repeat

The Elephant constructor accepts a parameter steps representing the distance the Elephant will walk in each direction before changing direction. For example, an Elephant constructed with a steps value of 8 will walk 8 steps south, 8 steps west, 8 steps north, 8 steps east, and repeat. You can assume that the value passed for steps is at least 1.


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constructorsame as Elephant
fighting behaviorsame as Elephant
colorsame as Elephant
movement behaviorfirst go EAST steps times, then go NORTH steps times, then go WEST steps times, then go SOUTH steps times, then repeat

Implement OppositeElephant as a subclass of your Elephant class. First consider what methods actually need to be different in OppositeElephant versus Elephant—you should be able to write very little code to get OppositeElephant in some sense for “free”! Remember that you will need to import the elephant module into opposite_elephant.py as your Elephant implementation is in its own file.


Your Elephant and OppositeElephant must be defined in their own files. Specifically, Elephant should be defined in elephant.py and OppositeElephant should be defined in opposite_elephant.py


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