Our department is dedicated to fostering a warm, encouraging, and supportive student community. For many people, learning a new subject can be accompanied by some feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, or even intimidation. We want everyone to know that these feelings are completely natural, and we will work together to make the class and lab an inviting place to learn and grow. These guidelines are on top of Oberlin’s Code of Conduct.
A reminder about the Honor Code in CSCI 150: The Warmup is intended to be done with a classmate during the lab section period, and then everything after that (Part 1, Part 2, etc.) is individual work. While you are encouraged to form study groups and discuss the labs in general terms with classmates, you should never copy anyone’s code, and no one else should ever have a copy of your code. The only people who are allowed to look at your code directly are the course instructors, lab helpers hired by the CSCI department, and tutors hired by the AARC. If you do discuss the lab with someone else or look up resources online, please write that you did so in the README file within your repository.
As is outlined in the syllabus, AI use is also forbidden in CSCI 150.
(These guidelines were developed from the established rules by the Recurse Center.)