Welcome to your first CSCI 151 lab! Hopefully you’ve already completed Lab 0. If not, head over there now before continuing on with this lab. Otherwise, let’s get started with Lab 1. This lab is all about learning how to write our first Java programs!
We will begin every lab by creating a copy of the assignment in GitHub Classroom. You can do so by clicking on this link: Accept Assignment
The lab is broken up into sections to make things more manageable. With the exception of this lab, most labs are expected to take 7-9 hours. Clearly we cannot get all of Lab 1 done during our in-person lab time. That’s why each lab has a Warmup that is intended to be completed while we are together during the lab period. The Warmup will get you ready for the problems you’ll find later in the lab. Get as far as you can in the scheduled lab time, and try to work steadily on the lab throughout the week. Don’t leave it all until the day the lab is due (Sunday September 15 at 11:59 PM).