Welcome to your tenth and final CSCI 151 lab! The lab can be started by following this link to create a copy of the assignment for you on GitHub: https://classroom.github.com/a/6P6Mp9IO
In this week’s lab, we will be exploring graphs by (1) designing and creating our own implementation of the Graph ADT (as collections of vertices and edges), and (2) applying graphs in a real-world application finding connections between actors based on their IMDB histories. We will also continue practicing using unit tests for testing our code piecewise as we develop it (rather than waiting until we’ve written a lot of intertwined code that is difficult to debug).
We will once again begin with a Warmup designed to help reinforce some of the key concepts needed to complete the lab assignment. You are strongly encouraged to work with a partner on the Warmup during the lab period.
As a friendly reminder, there is also lab helping available outside of your regularly scheduled lab time. A calendar and description can be found here. Please make use of the lab helping available as much or as little as you need; it is there to assist you as we learn together this semester. Please also feel free to reach out to your professor by email or stop by office hours with any questions.