CSCI 345: Assignment 8

Revised Project Proposal
Due: 10PM on Monday, April 4th

Project Proposal

You have three options for your project:
  • Revised group project.
  • Independent project.
  • Research paper.
Each one will require a slightly different proposal. Details are below.

Revised Group Project

Revise your previous project proposal, including making changes to your project overview to make clear how your project will communicate over the internet. Redo your features list (remember your features should be everything you need to implement for your project to work), and assign each feature to someone in your group. Likewise, redo your schedule so that it's clear what each group member will do each week. Please read the feedback on your original proposal, and incorporate it into this new version.

Independent Project

Follow the instructions from the last project proposal, but with your new project. Make sure you read the feedback on your last proposal to make sure you correct any mistakes you made last time.

Research Paper

Your final paper will be 5-8 pages in the CHI paper format. (Please note this is a very compact format, so this is equivalent to a much longer paper in a traditional, double spaced format.) You will need to read and discuss at least 15 research papers. For your proposal, include a Paper Overview that includes two paragraphs discussing the topic you are interested in, and then a References section that includes references to five papers you are interested in including. Your papers must be peer-reviewed papers from an IEEE or ACM conference. I recommend starting by browsing the proceedings of CHI and ubicomp.


Create a pdf that contains your proposal. If you are revising your group post, post it on your existing group post. If you are creating an individual project, create a new piazza post and post it there.

C. Taylor