Marina Barsky
Visiting Professor of Computer Science
Marina Barsky is currently visiting Oberlin college to bring some diversity and fun into Oberlin's classrooms.
Marina has her Master's and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Victoria, Canada, and the MSc in Biology from Moscow State University, Russia.
Previously, Marina did research at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and taught at the University of Toronto. She designed and implemented the entire CS curriculum for Bard College at Simon's Rock.
CSCI 151. Data Structures, Fall 2022. LINK.
Data structures capture common ways in which we store and manipulate data, and they are important in the construction of sophisticated computer programs. We use Java programming language for examples and assignments.
CSCI 381. Algorithms on Strings, Spring 2023. LINK.
Deterministic algorithms that operate on strings, trees, and sequences: in context of their application to biological sequence analysis.
Marina's main research focus is in stringology: algorithms on strings and their applications to big data and biological sequence analysis. She invented new scalable algorithms for building suffix trees, suffix arrays, and for all-against-all approximate substring matching. She published research papers in top Computer Science venues and authored the book "Full-text (substring) indexes in external memory".