CSCI 344 - Homework 0

Due by 11:59.59pm Friday, February 05
or ASAP for late enrollees

Part 1

Read through the course syllabus. We should have gone over most of this in class on Tuesday, but I want you to be sure that you've all seen it. Make a note of any questions about this that you have and submit them with part 2 or bring them up in class or at office hours.

Log in to the Slack channel. All communications will happen through Slack. I will not be responding to emails about the class, as I have found that I fall behind too quickly.

Now that you have read the syllabus, you are responsible for the contents therein. This is where assignments will be posted and readings made. I'm not a big fan of BlackBoard, but I'll try to keep your grades posted there. Let me know ASAP if either service becomes unavailable.

I want you to post an introduction to the Slack channel #introductions section. Include the following:

  1. Your full name (especially for non-@oberlin addresses) and what you prefer to be called in class (nickname and/or personal pronouns). Give hints as to the pronunciation if needed.
  2. Also, include a picture of yourself that I can use to make a photo roster to help me match faces with names. So something recent, with your face visible, probably cropping out the background (you'd be surprised what I've been sent in the past). You can even put it up on BlackBoard and then all your instructors can benefit.
  3. Briefly tell me about your CS background:
  4. Tell me a little about yourself:
  5. Include the requisite statement of the Honor Code: I have adhered to the Honor Code in this assignment.

That's it! See you in class on Tuesday!

Last Modified: February 01, 2021 - Roberto Hoyle, based on material from Benjamin Kuperman