Have you chosen Vim as your editor for 241 but aren't really comfortable using it?
Have you been meaning to start using Vim or Emacs for your 241 assignments but need a nudge in the right direction?
Have you been steered toward Emacs by professor Hoyle but through deep introspection decided to reform your ways and switch to Vim, the One True Editor?
Are you interested in picking up some cool new Unix skills?
If so, then come to Vim Night!
Hosted by Jakob Cornell
Come learn the basics of git and GitHub! The event is at 4:30p on Friday, February 17 in King 135. Install git on your computer and bring it with, or use a lab machine to follow along.
If you'd like to participate in the GitHub activity to apply your git skills, send us your GitHub username before the event (to jbregsto
or jcornell
at oberlin.edu
Hosted by Puck Bregstone and Jakob Cornell
Annual CS Departmental Potluck! Super fun! Yay! Hosted by Tom and Alexa - their house (check email for address)
Come hang out with the CS department! Play board and card games and complain about how much you still have to do for finals! Hosted by Noel Warford - Math Library
The CS Art Show was great!
Hosted by the Elizabeth Bentivegna - King 135
Come hang out with the CS department! Play board and card games and complain about how much you still have to do on you lab for this week! Hosted by the CSMC - King 135
Want to learn all about git? Come to both nights or just one!
Have you always wanted to Netflix and Chill in the lab? Well don't, there are cameras. But you can Netflix XOR Chill this Wednesday with Kat, she will mostly be chilling but Imitation Game may also be playing! Hosted by Kat Chan and only her and not the CSMC - King 135
At Vim night, you'll learn why you might want to use a command line editor instead of an IDE, how to save yourself time and keystrokes when coding, Vim basics, and how to customize Vim for your specific needs. Hosted by Ben Stern in King 135
Do you want to work on your labs without leaving the comfort of your bed (especially during the winter)? We will teach you how to work from your machine! You will learn about how to connect remotely to your OCCS account, how to transfer files between your machine and your OCCS account, and how to hand in your labs from your own computer. Hosted by Elizabeth Bentivegna, Meghan McCreary, Lauren Wong and Aaron Young
Have you ever had more than one copy of a file just to make sure you wouldn't lose good code? Want to work with other people without ever emailing files/Google docs/flash key/etc? Want a system to automatically track all the things you do and integrate changes other people make into one file? Come to Git night, where you'll learn to do all the above (and more) and become a Kit-Kat certified octo-wizard. Hosted by Dan Barella & Peter Fogg
Want to learn about *NIX, how to customize your terminal experience, and nifty tips and tricks for workflow in the terminal? Then come to Unix Night!
See you there!
Remember to bring a pencil and paper as we will be working out a lot of these problems by hand.
See you there!
Here's a challenge for all of you: code up a program that will implement quick sort. You can't refer to any resources and you can't ask for any hints. Oh, and do it in five minutes. On paper. But don't make any mistakes! This is the kind of pressure that most of us will find ourselves in sooner or later. We are most likely to run into situations like this when applying for jobs or applying to grad schools. As some of you may or may not know, when you apply to a software engineering position, as an intern or full-time, a standard portion of the interview process will involve answering technical questions. Usually you only have a few minutes and you almost always have to write your solution on a whiteboard or piece of paper. The technical questions will almost always involve algorithms that you used to know but are a little rusty on. They will involve data structures that you learned in 151 but haven't since touched. They will probably involve recursion. The same thing applies to those of you who are taking the GRE subject test.
But never fear! Because these skills are not hard to learn--they just take practice. Since we want the Oberlin CS department to do as well as possible on their job interviews/standardized tests, the CSMC has decided to host, for the first time ever, Programming Skills Workshops! During these workshops we will tackle a variety of problems, write our solutions on paper, and then discuss the solutions. As a group, we'll learn what challenges we face, what approaches to take, and what solutions work the best. Most importantly, however, we will become the best programmers we can be.
So whether you are graduating soon, applying for internships, or just want to hone your programming skills, you should definitely be seriously considering attending these workshops.