This past weekend, 2 teams of Oberlin students competed in the 23rd annual Denison University Programming Contest. They won 3rd and 7th place out of 18 teams from Denison, Baldwin-Walace, Oberlin, Muskingum, Ohio Wesleyan, U of Toledo/LCCC, Wittenberg, and U of Akron. Teams of students competed to be the fastest (and most accurate) at solving 6 problems during the 4-hour contest.
2011 ACM Programming Contest
October 24th, 2011
This past weekend 3 Oberlin students competed as a team in the 2011 ACM Regional Programming Contest. They were competing among 122 teams from 60 colleges and universities throughout western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, eastern Ontario, and Indiana. Team O(Bees) took 10th out of 46 teams at the Youngstown State University site.
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Competitive Programming ExCo
September 7th, 2011
Do you wanna be 1337?
Wann learn new skillz and show them off in the glory of combat?
Then check out the Competitive Computer Programming ExCo at the ExCo fair!
If you miss the ExCo fair, you can still sign up online here!
No need to be competitive, just show up and learn how its done!
Class time to be determined by attendees.2011 Denison Programming Contest
March 3rd, 2011
This past weekend 3 teams of Oberlin students competed at the 2011 Denison Spring Programming Contest. 18 teams of 3 students each from 9 nearby schools competed trying to solve 6 problems, in 4 hours, with only one computer per team!
Team Foo of Oberlin (Brendan Chambers, Thomas Ramfjord, Danny Spencer) and Team O(bees) (Veronica Colegrove, Emma Conner, Eston Schweickart) each solved 3 problems and Team Oberlin Oriented Programmers (Kaitlyn Price, Kiron Roy, Joaquin Ruales) solved 2. Much fun was had by all!
2010 Denison Programming Contest
March 14th, 2010
On February 27th, two OCCS programming teams participated in Denison University’s spring programming contest, along with 9 other teams from 6 other schools (Denison, Albion, Baldwin-Wallace, Muskingum, Ohio Wesleyan, and U of Akron).
Congratulations to our teams for placing second and sixth! Joaquin Ruales, Michael Stevenson, Zach Levine and Joe Kramer-Miller of the O(bees) solved 4 of the 6 problems, and Brendan Chambers, Thomas Ramfjord, Emma Conner and Siyang Wu of Foo of Oberlin solved 3 problems.
If you are interested getting involved in programming contests, get in touch with either Professor Donaldson or Wexler (the coaches) or check out the Competitive Programming Exco!
See more photos in the gallery:
2010 Denison Programming Contest
2009 ACM Programming Contest
November 23rd, 2009

2009 Oberlin ACM contest teams
The Oberlin Computer Science programming teams had another successful trip to the ACM Programming Contest on Saturday, October 30th.
Four teams of three students competed in the contest: O(bees) (Michael Brooks, Michael Stevenson, Siyang Wu), O-nage (Katie Kuksenok, Ted Warner, Zach Levine), Oberlin Oriented Programmers (Kiron Roy, Emma Conner, Nathan Brown), and Foo Of Oberlin (Thomas Ramfjord, Brendan Chambers, Madhav Kaushish).
O(bees) and O-nage solved 3 problems and Oberlin Oriented Programmers and Foo Of Oberlin solved 2 problems. Overall among 113 teams, they placed 17th, 22nd, 34th, and 44th, respectively. In addition, O(bees) and O-nage ranked 2nd and 4th among the 43 teams participating at the Youngstown State location. Both of those teams were recognized at the post-contest banquet and won backpacks.
Congratulations to all!
See photos in the gallery: 2009 ACM Programming Contest
2009 CMU Programming Contest
March 31st, 2009
This past Saturday (March 28th), Oberlin Computer Science’s Team O(Bees) competed at the 2009 Carnegie Melon Invitational Programming Contest. Michael Brooks and Katie Kuksenok competed against almost 30 other teams from schools around the region. They successfully solved 7 out of the 8 problems and took second place in both the “doubles division” as well as 2nd in the overall contest.
2009 Denison Programming Contest
March 2nd, 2009
On February 28, two intrepid teams of students competed in the 20th annual Denison University Programming Contest. This year there were 16 teams from 9 schools competing in a 4-hour contest.
The “O(bees)” (Joe Kramer-Miller, Katie Kuksenok, Michael Brooks, and Michael Stevenson) took first place, solving 4 out of the 6 problems in just over 90 minutes. The coaches were watching the scoreboard as other teams kept creeping closer and closer. In the last 40 minutes, it looked like one of the Denison teams was going to pass them, but they held onto the lead until the very end.
Our other team “Foo of Oberlin” consisted of Thomas Ramfjord, Brendan Chambers, Zack Levine, and Jules Wellinghoff. They also solved 4 problems and took third overall.
Congratulations to all of our students on an excellent job!
If you are interested getting involved in programming contests, get in touch with either Professor Donaldson or Kuperman (the coaches) or check out the Competitive Programming Exco!
See more photos in the gallery: 2009 Denison Programming Contest
2008 ACM Programming Contest
November 1st, 2008
On November 1, two teams of Oberlin students competed in the regionals for the 2008 ACM International Programming Contest.
Foo of Oberlin (Ted Warner, Katie Kuksenok, and Michael Brooks) did well at the Programming Contest today. They solved three of eight problems and placed first among 40 teams competing at the Youngstown site and 14th among 124 teams overall in the Regional. One of the problems they solved was solved by only four other teams, two from CMU, one from Waterloo, and one from Purdue.
Sign Up for the Programming Contest ExCo!!!
September 4th, 2008
Registration for the totally awesome programming ExCo is now open.
For more information or to register go to: