<i><font color="blue">DLSim 3</font></i> Components

Circuit Design
...     DLSim 3 Components

A circuit consists of set of interconnected components. DLSim 3's component types are described below

Component Actions

Every DLSim 3 component has an associated set of actions that affect the component's mode of operation. Right-clicking a component produces an Action Menu for that component, from which an action may be selected. All components support a "copy" action. Actions pertaining to specific component types are described below.


Multiplicity refers to creating n parallel copies of a given gate, to be connected to other components using bus connections (See Bus Connections). For example, setting the multiplicity of an Or-gate to 3 creates 3 parallel Or-gates. Each pin of an Or-gate with multiplicity 3 is a 3-wide bus with corresponding bus connections connecting to one of the three simple Or-gates. A gate with multiplicity greater than 1 will appear slightly larger and display its multiplicity value. Example:

Initial and terminal components are called switches and bulbs respectively.

Switches and bulbs come in two types: Simple switches (TB ) and bulbs (TB ); and switchbanks ( ) and bulbbanks ( ). The latter two model multiple inputs and outputs. To see how switchbanks and bulbbanks are used to simplify circuit design see Tutorial 2.

To toggle a switch on and off
Click the center of the blue oval.
Add/Delete Label
Labels the endpoint. Switch and bulb banks may use multiple labels.
Use "Bank" Pin (switch and bulb banks only)
Creates a bus pin when current circuit is used as a subcircuit; see Subcircuits.

Simple Gates
DLSim 3 implements 8 basic gate types: And, And-3 ( ), Or ( ), Or-3 ( ), Xor ( ), Not ( ), Nand ( ), and Nor ( ).

Configure Trigger
See Level vs. Edge Triggering.
Set Multiplicity
Sets the multiplicity value; see above.

Zero ( ) and One ( ).

JK Flipflop
( ) Edge-triggered.

Configure Trigger
Up-clock (<) Down-clock (>) or Dual (<>)

7-Segment LED display
( ) Pins 0-6 correspond to respective segments: top, top-left, top-right, middle, bottom-left, bottom-right, bottom.

Set LED Order
See Subcircuits.

( ) See Bundlers.

( ) Simulation clock. Output pins provide opposite high and low values.

Set Clock Speed
In milliseconds.

Non-inverting buffer
( ) Actions same as logical elements.

( ) See Connectors

( ) Text labels.

Set Label Parameters
User can specify label text, font size, style and color.
( ) User-defined libraries of components. See Plug-ins.