Bus Connections

Circuit Design
...     Bus Connections

DLSim 3 supports parallel connections (i.e. buses) between pairs of components. Bus connections can be made between three different types of pin configurations of the same width n:

The latter two configurations are single-pin bus endpoints, while the first is a multi-pin endpoint.

Note that the endpoints need not be the of the same type as long as the widths match. For example, 8 output pins on a component can be bus connected to a bank pin of width 8 on a subcircuit. Example:

Creating Bus Connections

All connections involve selecting initial and final endpoints. The initial endpoint can be either input or output. Connecting to a single-pin bus endpoint (either initial or final) is the same as connecting to an ordinary pin; simply click the pin.

To initiate a bus connection from a multi-pin endpoint, do the following:

  1. Initiate the connect by either right-clicking the circuit board or clicking TB .
  2. Left-click on the circuit board near the pin set.
  3. Drag across the pin sequence you wish to include (selected pins will glow red).
  4. Release the mouse.
The system will display a parallelogram-shaped "bus band" indicating the width of the bus, as shown below:

Selecting the final endpoint:

If the endpoint is multi-pin, click the top pin of the endpoint; e.g.


if the endpoint is single-pin simply click the endpoint. For example:


Note: Attempting to connect endpoints of different widths will result in an error.